Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ocracoke Friends,

As many of you know, Ocracoke won a significant victory on Wednesday afternoon, when the House Appropriations Committee voted to approve an amendment to the State's budget bill. That amendment exempted the Hatteras/Ocracoke Ferry from the imposition of a toll, as had been proposed. The amendment, introduced by our State Representative Tim Spear, was approved overwhelmingly in a bipartisan vote.

There is no question that this wouldn't have happened but for the grass-roots citizen lobbying campaign organized over the last couple of weeks here on the Island. It is a fantastic thing that a small community like ours was able to muster the womanpower and manpower, the political expertise, local organizations and local government, the power of the internet and the tools of democracy to bring our message to Raleigh, to be heard and to see a positive result. I am just one among many, who together devoted a big chunk of time and energy to this, and I don't have the authority to offer thanks. That authority belongs to all of us as a community, so if you should see any of these folks on the street, and you know who they are, a high five is in order.

It should be noted what a different world we live in than the Ocracoke of old. While we were fighting to preserve the Island we know and love, it is in good measure those things which connect us to the bigger world that brought about our success. Instant communications, cell phones, email, websites and blogs and especially the social networking media, Facebook and Twitter (and the gurus who made 'em work) transformed the political process, such that we were able to generate hundreds upon hundreds of contacts with key decision makers, with a tailored message, at the right times. But it is also heartening to know that at the center of that success was our sense of community: We all worked together, as Ocracokers always have.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

House Standing Appropriations Committee Contact Info

Representative Timothy Spear has introduced an amendment to the budget exempting the Hatteras-Ocracoke ferry from tolls. This is positive news - all our phone calls and emails and lobbying are having an effect. Voting is today (4/27) and possibly tomorrow (4/28) depending on how much is accomplished today. It is very important to get your message out today: Let the Representatives on the Appropriations Committee know that YOU SUPPORT REP. SPEAR's AMENDMENT.

Be respectful and factual when contacting committee members - we have nothing to gain and everything to lose from anger or rage. The members will be voting soon, and the only effect we have will be in educating and publicizing our facts and concerns.

If one of the members represents your geographical area, let them know. This is especially effective if they are of the same party. Let them now that too!

A phone call is best - Member's phone numbers and addresses can be found here:

If you can't call, here's the email list:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Friday, April 22, 2011

To ad hoc committee members and others working hard on this issue: (Please forward to other members and interested parties)

At the direction of the ad hoc committee, I met with William Howard to discuss a role for him as a paid organizer. He agreed (with reservations) and we talked about a number of strategy options. He agreed to immediately start talking to island Republicans to get them moving on letter writing, phone calls, email etc directed to the Republican leadership in Raleigh. The intent is not to divide our attack between D's and R's, but to recognize the importance of approaching the decision makers as "one of them". The reality is that both houses of the State Legislature are controlled by one party and we need to play to that position. If we can move even a couple of R's to see our side with some sympathy, it could make a big difference when amendments may be offered later in the process.

William also said he'd contact WOVV about getting some factual info and contact info going out on the airwaves. We also talked about his putting together a one page sheet (online and hard copy) to hand/send to letter writers/callers which will state basic facts and talking points.

He expressed some reservations about being paid ... we agreed that he would go ahead with the tasks he's on, that I would contact Darlene to set up a meeting of the ad hoc for Wednesday(?) next and kind of feel our way through the paid organizer thing. There are a lot of ways to spend money on this.

None of this is meant to fail to recognize the effectiveness of other efforts going on. The Facebook pages "Say No To The Ferry Toll" and "No Tolls For The Ocracoke Hatteras Ferry" are getting hits in the hundreds every day and are likely generating a barrage of emails and phone calls to key legislators and DOT admins. They are also getting up to date info out to activists about things that are changing daily or even hourly. Meantime, Mazie, Darlene et al at the County are continuing to get info out and encouraging good effective actions. All headed in the right direction, IMHO.

Our real challenge is keeping up and even growing this level of activity for the next six weeks or more. We need these legislators to feel the heat from us and learn a little bit more about Ocracoke every day...we want them getting phone calls and emails daily, we want them to open the newspapers every day and see an article, an editorial or a letter to the editor advancing our point of view. What we don't want is to create the "flash in the pan" impression - that we were active for a week or so and then we're gone. If that happens, they'll ignore us when it really comes down to it.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Letter to the Editor

Appeared in the News & Observer today. Keep writing those letters!

As our legislators work at putting together a budget, it is likely there will be differing points of view and apparently the view from Ocracoke Island looks a lot different than it does from the committee room in Raleigh, where it seems they see sense in imposing a toll on the Ocracoke/Hatteras ferry. We see it as a way to put a quick death to a small island economy that is already struggling amidst a significant recession, beach access restrictions and high gas prices.

Is it "small business friendly" to suddenly impose a tax that will significantly cut tourism, our main source of business income?

Through tourism and hard work, Ocracoke has become the main provider of income and sales tax to Hyde County, where it is badly needed. It would be a great mistake for the budget-cutting frenzy in Raleigh to put a chokehold on businesses here in Ocracoke, only to cut the lifeline to Hyde County.

With tolls already on the mainland ferry routes, we're not looking for special treatment. On the contrary we don't want to be singled out as the only community in North Carolina that can be reached only by paying a toll.

Tom Pahl

Read more:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Legislation for Ocracoke Tolls

I have fallen into a situation in which someone who is well connected in Raleigh is feeding me very accurate information about the Ferry Tolls proposal. His name is Bob Phillips and he is the Executive Director of Common Cause North Carolina and spends all day, every day working with NC legislators at the Statehouse. He has a personal interest in this issue and has attended several of the meetings of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation which is where this issue is taking shape. It's important to note that he is not acting on behalf of Common Cause, but as an individual who loves Ocracoke and sees how badly this would affect us.

I am going to make a proposal to the OCBA next Tuesday that they put together a committee and provide funding to mount a campaign against this proposal. Much of the strategy which I will propose results from my conversations with Bob Phillips about the specifics of how this is going to come down, as well as my previous life in which I was way too involved in politics.

Here's a brief summary of the process that is underway: Where we were told previously that this would be an administrative action by the Ferry Division (though one forced on them by cuts in their budget), it is now clear that this will be an actual line item in the State Budget. That means that there are no mandatory public hearings and it will proceed through the legislature along with the entire rest of the budget. Each part of the budget is put together in subcommittee (like the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation), then goes goes to full Committee, then to the Appropriations Committee and finally to the full House for approval. The same happens in the Senate and finally differences are reconciled and once approved the budget goes to the Governor. Every step of the way...subcommittee, full committees, full House, ditto Senate, the members must vote. They are voting on a larger bill than just our Ferry Tolls issue, but it is in there and we need to be sure that everyone who acts on this bill, every time they act on this bill, hears from us with a clear message.

Both houses of the NC State Legislature are now controlled by one party (Republicans) and that will affect the timing on the budget - it is likely they will be pushing hard to get everything done and passed by both the House and Senate by mid June. That doesn't give us much time and we really need to go into high gear if we're to have an impact.

Right now, there is an immediate action which is important for everyone to take right away - here's the situation:

The Appropriation subcommittee on transportation met today (4-14-11) and did not get to the line items regarding the Ferry tolls. That will come next Wednesday (4-20) when they next meet. The committee plans to vote out the proposal including tolls on Ferries no later than the following day (Thursday, 4-21)

Between now and Wednesday- it would be important to get phone calls, letters and e-mails into the Chairs of the Appropriations Sub. on Transportation.
Phone calls will likely go to a staff person, but are effective - best, if you have the time, is both a call and a letter or email.

Rep. Phillip Frye (R) Mitchell Co.-- 919-733-5661 /
Rep. Ric Killian (R) Mecklenburg Co. 919-733-5886

These folks need to hear the message that any toll on the Ocracoke/Hatteras ferry will be a major hardship for residents
- Don't be strident or angry - these are decent people who are trying to solve a big problem and they don't really understand Ocracoke and how their proposal will affect the people here
- We are not asking for a special privilege - on the contrary, we do not want to be singled out as the only residents in North Carolina who must pay a toll to get home.
- Ask them to imagine having to pay money to travel the last few miles home every time they returned from Raleigh.
- Ask them to imagine how would affect their businesses if everyone of their customers was suddenly assessed a fee just to do business with them.

It is worth noting that the median family income in Ocracoke is below that of the state as a whole (34,315 vs. 38,829) and less than that of the US. Some folks think Ocracoke is Martha's Vineyard - it isn't, it is a (lower) middle class community (with high property values due to the scarcity of land). [data from 2000 US census]


If you have any ideas as to how to best approach this strategically and/or mechanically, please feel free to contact me. I do not have time to take on the organizer's role here, but I don't mind being a facilitator for passing along ideas and trying to get something off the ground. As I said, I'm going to propose that OCBA form a committee and provide funding - I think we need to hire an organizer for something like 20 hours a week....ideas?

Tom Pahl
with thanks to Bob Phillips and Carol Pahl